Some Up Some Up: May 24th – 30th This has been an especially difficult week for indigenous people in Canada. As a settler May 30, 2021
Some Up Some Up: May 17th – 23rd Article: UK plastics sent for recycling in Turkey dumped and burned, Greenpeace finds (The Guardian) May 23, 2021
Some Up Some up: May 10th- 16th Article: For too many girls, teenage years are a time of unwanted attention from older May 16, 2021
Some Up Some Up: May 3rd- 9th This week, we are hearing terrible stories and seeing horrifying images out of both Columbia May 9, 2021
Some Up Some Up: April 26th – May 2nd It’s been a heavy news cycle this week, gang. Take good care of yourself. Article: May 2, 2021