Some Up: Dec 20th – 26th

I hope you had a beautiful and healthy festive season! Now onwards to (what is hopefully a better year) 2022!

Quiz: The Great News Quiz of 2021 (The New York Times)

This was tricky but fun!

Article: The Whistleblower Who Got It Wrong (The Walrus)

I was reading the Misfire report as part of my workplace learning, and the story of Roderick MacIsaac really stuck with me. This walrus article is a really good summary of the errors that lead to this tragedy.

Podcast: A Jurisprudence of Doubt (What Roman Mars Can Learn about Con Law)

The recently renamed podcast delves into the same discussion as the Majority 54 episode Post-Roe World. I think it’s easy enough to look at the overturning of Roe as just an abortion debate, but this decision, coupled with the makeup of the federal Supreme Court in the United States, there is real risk to everything from gay marriage to rights for minority groups.

Majority 54’s discussion on the same topic A Post-Roe World.

Comic: It’s All Relatives (The Nib)

This comic outlines some of the concerns I have about the commercial DNA testing. I also have huge concerns with companies holding onto the literal DNA roadmap of humans, even if the companies say they will treat the information ethically, there is huge risk to individuals.

Article: Tatsuo Horiuchi The 73-year Old Excel Spreadsheet Artist (Spoon and Tamago)

What a cool way to bring art to a rather functional tool!

Article: The CBC’s Eli Glasner picks the 21 best films of 2021 (CBC)

Does anyone else take umbrage with the winner for the #1 spot? But a good roundup list for the year, otherwise!

A lovely double rainbow I saw this week

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