Some Up Some up: August 24th-30th Podcast: The Fight for the McDonald’s Franchise (Household Name) This episode gave me a lot August 30, 2020
Curated Life Curated Life: Warm Laundry on Cool Days Most people don’t like chores, but we all have our favourites. Mine? On a cool August 29, 2020
Too Dumb for Facebook Too Dumb for Facebook #7 Me, when I first started my job during team meetings: *polite banter* Me now: Listen, August 26, 2020
Some Up Some Up: August 17th-23rd Podcast: Dolly Parton’s America Listen, you may not love Dolly Parton, you may not like August 23, 2020
Too Dumb for Facebook Too Dumb for Facebook #6 Me, driving to the bagel place: I think maybe half a dozen. Me, to myself, August 21, 2020
Too Dumb for Facebook Too Dumb for Facebook #5 The truth we all know: “We’re already halfway through August! Summer is almost done! How August 17, 2020
Curated Life Curated Life: Open Air Movies Under Twinkle Lights There is something magical about a summer night. Just like when you’re a kid, the August 15, 2020
Some Up Some Up: Aug 10-16th YouTube: The (Real) Delusion that You’re a Corpse I have been a fan of Ask August 12, 2020
Explaining Things From my Brain What’s All This: From my Brain Sometimes I want to share thoughts and thinkings that aren’t quippy little nothings or repostings August 11, 2020
Too Dumb for Facebook Too Dumb for Facebook #4 Podcast ads are all: “Listen to other podcast, about finding the nicer side of life” August 10, 2020