Some Up: Oct 12-18

Current Events: Mi’kmaw/Mi’kmaq Fishing Crisis. (Collected Resources).

Canada is quietly and politely trying to ignore the racist attacks on Indigenous fishermen happening right now. The Mi’kmaw/Mi’kmaq chiefs declared a state of emergency in the face of “political unrest” and violence.

It turns out, the Indigenous community was right to be wary. Vehicles and lobster pounds have been torched. An angry mob caused a man to barricade himself inside his lobster pound. There are reports that the RCMP did not intervene during these standoffs.

The justification of these vitriolic clashes is that the indigenous fishermen are causing environmental damage. This is almost absurd, given the scale of the commercial lobster fishing industry versus the indigenous fishing industry. Click through the image below for more information.

An info graph comparing the fishing traps of the indigenous fishermen versus commercial fishing. There are 250 traps used by indigenous fishermen, 390,000 used by commercial fishermen
A screenshot of an info graphic created by @laurenthompson3. Click through for more information.

These Indigenous fishing rights are guaranteed per the Peace and Frienship Treaties, and was reaffirmed in the 1999 Marshall ruling.

It is not good enough for Canadians to say we are multicultural then ignore attacks on indigenous communities. It is the height of duplicity to denounce racism in our American neighbour, but ignore it a few provinces over. It is not good enough to say that people are doing bad things on both sides. This is a David and Goliath situation with a tiny group of fishermen being burdened with the weight of the environmental destruction of an industry, the scale of which is so far beyond what they are able to affect.

We need to talk about this, we need to do something about this. We need to be better.

Article: “Regulatory Mischief”: WE Charity In Kenya (Canadaland)

I have absolutely no patience for people who use charities and not for profits as a way of flaunting the rules.

Charity work and not for profits are not a vanity project. They are not a free pass to do what you want. They are to help empower people or communities to be the best versions of themselves.

I am so beyond disappointed that the more we learn about Kielburger’s charities, the more we learn how badly we have all been duped. Honestly, if the allegations in this article are really truly true, I am absolutely enraged.

The problem I see with charities is that often the the “good vibes” of the initial purpose of the charity can cover any bad behaviour. Because how much of a monster are you to criticize a charity that is helping children in Kenya?

Turns out we should have been a lot more critical.

Obituary: Stacy Lois Oliver (Chicago Tribune)

“Eat the danish, go to the show.”

Thank you to Stacy Oliver for taking time before your passing to give us some beautiful advice. I can imagine her friends and family miss her dearly.

TikTik: White Pride (@tizzyent)

TikTok user Tizzyent summarizes very well the problem with white pride.

News: WWII ‘earthquake’ bomb explodes during effort to defuse it in Poland (Global News)

It’s stories like these that remind me of the scars that have been left behind by years of war. I am so glad no one on the detonation team was hurt and they had the foresight to evacuate the surrounding areas.

YouTube: Voting Rights in Canada: A Select Timeline (Historica Canada)

As those of us in British Columbia head to the polls, it’s important to remember that this often lamented “chore” was for a long time, a right denied to many.

Register, and get out to vote!

Article: Dying swan or lame duck? Why ‘Fatima’ the ballerina’s next job was tripping up the government (The Guardian)

There has been much written about the UK government’s ad campaign to encourage arts workers to retrain in different industries.

The tone of this ad campaign, to me, is completely off base and somewhat offensive. No other industry has been encouraged to give up their life’s work to go and retrain in the same way that arts workers have.

A few weeks ago, the Canadian campaign Light up Live promoted awareness of the arts venues that were the first to close and will be the last to reopen.

I think this speaks to a dismissive attitude that some people have about arts jobs. But investment in the arts brings billions into economies, much of which stays in the local economy.

An info graphic listing the top two essential and non essential jobs. Artist is listed as the most non-essential.
A recent survey finding artist as the most non-essential job. In fairness, this survey result created a significant backlash of people defending both the arts and people who create them.

I’m not making the case that the arts are as vital to a functioning society as doctors, nurses, teachers, and sanitation workers (to name a very short few). I am making the case, however that people need things that bring joy, people need places to share stories, to experience things that are beautiful, that remind us to think bigger and to think differently.

We spend our at home days watching movies, reading books, and watching YouTube videos on how to craft something new. As that often circulated Facebook post goes “remember in your darkest times, you turned to the arts”.

Podcast: Reza’s Story (BBC’s The Documentary Podcast)

I come from a family of refugees. Refugees aren’t scary people out to steal your jobs or ruin your culture and community. They work hard and have a commitment and love for their new communities that may put native born Canadians to shame. They work hard on city council. They make incredible chocolate and put small communities on the map. They are dedicated to building a life through entrepreneurship.

Reza’s story is compelling, and shines a light on the terror that refugees go through to find their safe place in the world. Listening to Reza talk about his hopes for the future, you are able to find hope in the midst of someone who has lost everything.

Podcast: Vivian (Heavyweight)

I think Goldstein is hitting his stride more and more with the Heavyweight podcast, and I would argue that this episode may be his best so far.

A story of a niece trying to know her uncle, the family turning their back on their loved one, and the heartbreak and anguish of loving the person who you are meant to love. Beautiful and impactful journalism.

YouTube: She ‘Woke Up’ at the Funeral Home (Ask a Mortician)

Mortician Caitlin Doughty makes another appearance on this blog! Listen, she’s the best, and I am her number one fangirl.

Tackling a story from today’s headlines, Doughty explains what went wrong when Timesha Beauchamp unfortunately ended up alive at a funeral home. Doughty is able to cut through the sensational headlines and claims to focus in on the real, honest truth of what went wrong.

Photojournalism: ‘Not married but willing to be!’: men in love from the 1850s – in pictures (The Guardian)

Gay people have always existed – sometimes tolerated, sometimes celebrated, sometimes litigated, sometimes killed.

A beautiful reminder that everyone should have the right to find a loving and supportive partner no matter their gender.

Contest: Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Amazing. I am so inspired by the talent on display here. Kudos to all the winners!

Podcast: Bunga Bunga (Wondery)

I think we all think we remember how bonkers Berlusconi’s time in government was… spoiler alert: it’s way more bonkers than you remember.

Whitney Cummings really hits it out of the park on this one – her tone and storytelling is just perfect for this stranger than fiction tale.

An image o a man wearing bright green sunglasses with the words Bunga Bunga under his chin. It is the cover art for this podcast.

Article: Canadian woman returns ‘cursed’ artifacts stolen from Pompeii (New York Post)

I spent most of grade three terrified that I would be struck dead by the curse of the Pharaohs for watching a national geographic documentary on Carter’s expedition. Never mind I had never been to Egypt, never been to an ancient tomb, and never broke into a king’s final resting place.

It’s good to know that year of worrying wasn’t in vain, and gave me the good sense to not steal cultural artifacts.

Instagram Profile: LunarBaboon

I love LunarBaboon’s style and pacing of his stories. This one especially makes my heart happy.

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