Long-Form Podcast: The Hopeful (Frequency Network)
The Hopeful is a beautifully told story of the power of resilience and strength of spirit required to find your place in a new home. This is just one refugee’s story of coming home, but the spirit of his tale feels so true to the idea of the refugee experience.
Refugees add so much to the cultural tapestry that is our community, and this story is so demonstrative of this.
Article: I arrived at my friend’s party. A few hours later she died, exactly as planned. (Vox)
I came across this article a few years ago, and Vox reposted it this week. In the face of a tragic illness, a group of friends and her family came together to say a final farewell and share treasured memories. I cried when I read it the first time, and I cried when I read it this week.
If a truly terrible disease were to take me slowly, I think I would choose to say goodbye in a joyful manner with those I love the most. In the face of heartbreaking sadness, my hope would be that creating a few last treasured memories would give my loved ones something to remember rather than an illness.
I understand that end of life decisions are difficult and heartbreaking to think or talk about. Many people see the choice to end ones life as immoral, but truthfully, unless you are facing a fatal, debilitating illness you cannot pass moral judgement on these people who are.
I personally so admire the ability to bring people together and have a laugh in the face of imminent death.
(This is another perspective of the same party.)
I truly didn’t know about this part of American history. It’s important to talk about the pervasive and continued racism in the world today.
I enjoyed this little piece of life. Who we are when we’re in our first big relationship is so different when we’ve grown up a bit.
I appreciate the honesty and humour these two share in reconnecting about a difficult time in their lives.
Podcast: The Lost Cities of Geo (99% Invisible)
Get out your glittery, rotating gifs! This story shows what is lost when we lose digital spaces.
Podcast: The Feds vs. the Activists – MLK (American Scandal)
I personally think American Scandal is little uneven in quality – sometimes the language used is a little over the top, sometimes the pacing is slow only to go breakneck in a later episode, sometimes the re-enactments are really cheesy.
But this new season is quite well laid out and gives an interesting insight into how fearful governments can be of people who challenge the status who. King, who now is recognized with everything from official proclamations, to children’s books, and street names all across America, was truly considered such a significant threat.
It’s incredible how time re writes how we view people – King, in his time, was seen as a dissident and rabble rouser. Now, we look to his legacy for inspiration in the face of continued difficulties.
Comic: We’re All Scientists Now (BeckyBarniComics)
Sign of the times…
(I love Maritsa Patrinos comic on this too)
Virtual Experience: Visit Voma
Enjoy the world’s first online art gallery! What a unique experience!
YouTube: Enya’s Orinoco Flow, but it’s a Bardcore Sea Shanty (Hildegard von Blingin’)
Truly a great cover of Enya’s most bopping tune – actually, all of these are great! Enjoy!
Self challenge: 30 Day Music Challenge
Since Covid started, I have loved doing music challenges – and this one has been particularly fun! It’s on my Instagram stories daily!

One of my favourite things is to get cans of bubble tea, or taro melona ice cream bars, or yummy spicy ramen, or milk tea, or white rabbit candy.
Where can you get all that plus healthy fresh veggies?
Fisgard market! It has everything you need and could possibly want! Plus, you get 10% off your first visit if you like their Instagram page!